...and its VMS connection
We encourage VMS-mentored entrepreneurs to include VMS in their promotional material. MIT has firm positions on the use of the Institute's name and logos. Here is guidance on how to properly represent your affiliation with MIT VMS.
The MIT Institute Office of Communications (MIT IOC) is responsible for coordinating, reviewing and approving Use of Name requests at MIT. Please read their website to make sure you are in full compliance with their policies, and reach out to the MIT IOC directly with any questions (617-258-8344 or ioc-useofname@mit.edu).
VMS-mentored entrepreneurs may include VMS in their business plan, company description, fundraising presentations, news releases, media materials or websites only in adherence to the following guidelines:
You may use the "Mentored by VMS logo" (downloadable logo included below) and this brief description:
MIT VMS is a free, confidential, and objective business mentoring service for entrepreneurs in the MIT community (students, faculty, staff and alumni). MIT VMS connects entrepreneurs with teams of carefully selected, unbiased volunteer mentors and provides other services to help them advance their ideas or ventures and become stronger business people.
The following restrictions apply to any use of MIT VMS name and logo:
- You must not imply that your mentoring is an endorsement from MIT for your venture;
- You must be clear that the services you receive from MIT VMS are educational;
- You must have had at least one team mentoring session and be in regular communication with VMS;
- If you are a licensee of MIT technology, there are additional requirements. You can learn more about them from the MIT IOC website;
- Names of individual VMS mentors may be used only if permission is given by the individual mentor.
- General policies about the use of the MIT name and logo can be found on the MIT Policies and Procedures website.
Once you have added MIT VMS to your materials, contact vms@mit.edu for approval.
Logos are not to be used without express permission from MIT VMS or MIT IOC as noted above.

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